Náðu í appið

Fionnula Flanagan

Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Hæsta einkunn: The Others IMDb 7.6
Lægsta einkunn: Money for Nothing IMDb 5.7


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 2023 Grandma’am IMDb 6.7 -
Kill the Irishman 2011 IMDb 7 $1.188.194
A Christmas Carol 2009 Mrs. Dilber (rödd) IMDb 6.8 -
The Invention of Lying 2009 Martha Bellison IMDb 6.4 -
Yes Man 2008 Tillie IMDb 6.8 -
Transamerica 2005 Elizabeth Schupak IMDb 7.4 $13.350.369
Four Brothers 2005 Evelyn Mercer IMDb 6.8 -
Tears of the Sun 2003 Sister Grace IMDb 6.6 -
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood 2002 Teensy Whitman IMDb 6.1 -
The Others 2001 Mrs. Bertha Mills IMDb 7.6 $209.947.037
With or Without You 1999 Irene IMDb 6.1 -
Waking Ned 1998 IMDb 7.3 $43.515.982
Money for Nothing 1993 Mrs. Coyle IMDb 5.7 -
Youngblood 1986 Miss McGill IMDb 6.2 -